St Peter’s Services

St Peter's Church - Hinton St Mary, Dorset

Routine Services

Our usual routine of services is outlined below. For exact dates and timings, please visit our listing on A Church Near You.

Date Service
1st Sunday 9:30 am Holy Communion – Traditional Language
2nd Sunday 9:30am Morning Prayer
3rd Sunday 9:30am Morning Prayer
4th Sunday 9:30am Holy Communion
5th Sunday When there is a fifth Sunday in a month, Holy Communion is offered at 11:00am in one of the churches of our Benefice; either here, St Mary’s in Sturminster Newton or St Thomas’ in Lydlinch.


2024 Christmas and Advent Events at St Peter's Chruch.

The Church is open for sanctuary and prayer each day and, in accord with common practice within Salisbury (and other) Diocese, at Eucharist the common cup is reintroduced for those wishing to receive the full sacrament. Communicants unwilling to receive wine are welcome to receive the bread.

Until further notice, all queries relating to Church-related support and services should be directed to the Church wardens:


Robin Gibbs Tel: 01258 471493                                Kevin Peto-Bostick Tel: 01258 475469                                        

The Revd Mary Gubbins

The Vicarage, Sturminster Newton

Tel: 01258 721704




Getting Involved

Villagers are involved in the Church in flower arranging, brass cleaning, Church locking and Churchyard mowing and more volunteers are always needed.



As members of the Church, we commit our church community to the support, nurture, protection and safeguarding of all.  The Parochial Church Council (PCC) acknowledge its responsibility for all who work with young adults and adults who may be at risk of abuse, that is done in the name of the Church.  The PCC requires all those in such work to be properly appointed and supported with current good practice and guidelines.  The full text of the commitment in the form of a resolution of the PCC is available at Safeguarding – St Peter’s – A Church Near You.  A copy of the full Safeguarding Policy is held within the Church and available to all.


About Us – the People

Churchwardens – Mr Robin Gibbs, Mr Kevin Peto-Bostick

Treasurer – Currently Vacant
PCC Secretary – Mrs Liz Collins

Members – Mrs Jill de Bretton-Gordon

Organist – Mr Gren Fraser



Church of England:
Diocese of Salisbury:
Christian Aid:
Homestart North Dorset:
Dorset Historic Churches: