Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting
held at Hinton St Mary Village Hall
on Tuesday November 9th 2021 at 7pm
Chairman – Kevin Jones (KJ)
Councillors – Rob Bartlett (RB) Steve Johnson (SJ) Jo Curtis (JC) Susie Burbidge (SB)
Clerk – Vivian Hitchmough (VH)
County Cllr. Carole Jones
1 member of the public.
2021.34 Apologies
2021.35 Minutes of the meeting of Tuesday August 10th 2021 were agreed as a true record and duly signed.
2021.36 Matters Arising
The Chairman was concerned that planning applications from Dorset Council were not being filtered through to the Parish Council in order for them to consider and make comment. Cllr Carole Jones will investigate
2021.26 Declarations of Interest
2021.27 Updates from Officers
The Chairman confirmed there had been at least one application which the Parish Council were not informed of recently and Dorset Council were minded to include the views of Councillors.
Roads, drains and potholes
RB reported that the edge of the tarmac on the road to Sturminster has still to be repaired and he is meeting with Adam from Highways in the near future.
JC said the drains are overflowing and need attention.
Village Liaison
Village Garden
SB asked if some lime chalk could be laid in the garden in preparation for the
Gardens Open days on 19th/20th June. JC suggested that any surface would naturally be covered in green after a short while and suggested jet washing. RB said a high powered jet wash may be answer
Speed Indicator Device
The Chairman said the feedback was still positive. He will need to change the battery prior to Winter. He has been unable to access data giving information on speeding etc which would be useful for future plans, and will make enquiries of other Parish Councils
SJ reported that the pads and charging stick ordered and paid for in August has still not been delivered and the situation is very serious as there is a worldwide shortage. The ambulance service is concerned and SJ is taking advice as to whether the defibrillator may have to be decommissioned until the spares are available. SJ will speak to John Lewis regarding the battery which is showing a warning light. The defibrillator is registered and recorded on the circuit so the ambulance are aware and are highlighting the massive problem.
SB said that at the village hall meeting it was suggested that training for the defibrillator be put in place and SJ said this was arranged prior to the pandemic and will be again once the spares situation has been resolved.
2021.39 Finance
A cheque for the clerk’s salary was signed. The clerk asked for a Council decision on the 2022/23 Precept which will need to be applied for prior to January 2022. Council discussed possible extra expenses during the year and made a decision to increase the annual Precept to £2000, an increase of £200. The Clerk will apply.
2021.40 Reports
Cllr Carole Jones reported the bad weather produced flooding in parts of Sturminster Newton, particularly Butts Pond.
There is extensive repair work planned for the bridge at Sturminster which has subsidence issues as well as damage to the bridge and footpath. Some work is being done, but Dorset Council needs to be mindful of closing the bridge and the traffic problems this would cause. The work is planned to be completed by April 2022.
The Pantry is now registered as a charity and still being supported well.
37.5 million pounds has been secured for special needs children in the county and Dorset Council has 8 projects planned for 2022/23 which will provide cost savings across the county.
Cllr Jones is looking at the use of libraries as community hubs and a consultation is currently under way in this regard.
The William Williams charity is to provide finance for a young person’s centre in Sturminster which will be a better tailored service for their social and recreational needs.
2021.41 Questions from members of the public
2021.42 Correspondence
No outstanding correspondence
2021.43 Any Other Business
The Chairman reported on the closure of the White Horse public house. It was hopeful that the pub would be open for Christmas but the renovations are more extensive than originally planned and sometime in March is now the possible opening date. However, the building will be completely renovated, smart and welcoming, New tenants will be approved at a later date. Electric charging points have been suggested for the new car park. Cllr Jones pointed out that government grants for charging points are not applicable on private land but this is something to be discussed. Contractor has promised to keep the electric on to the defibrillator box in the meantime.
The Chairman said the photos and pictures in the White Horse were destined to land in the skip and have been rescued for future use. The Chairman said this was the heritage of the village and must not be lost. He asked if there were other historic photos and information about the village which could be shown in the pub at a later date. SB said a lot of information had already been collated and more will be requested through the Mosaic and liaised with Alice.
The Chairman said Mr Hardiman through the Village Hall has discussed an arrangement with Wessex Internet at a cost of £59 for the cabling and £1.20 per month for internet at the Village Hall for the first year. Councillors discussed whether there would be enough use to merit the connection and agreed a placement in the Mosaic would be helpful and during the year the amount the facility is used would determine its future.
The Chairman reported that a courtesy call was made regarding a Shepherds Hut being placed on a property and this did not need planning as it is for private use only. SB will advise
2021.33 Date of next meeting
Tuesday February 8th 2022 at 7pm
The Chairman closed the meeting at 9 pm