Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting
held at Hinton St Mary Village Hall
on Tuesday December 6th 2022 at 7pm

Chairman – Kevin Jones (KJ)
Councillors – Steve Johnson (SJ) Jo Curtis (JC)
Clerk – Vivian Hitchmough (VH)

2022.43 Apologies
Cllr Susie Burbidge (SB) Rob Bartlett (RB) County Cllr Carole Jones

2022.44 Minutes of the meeting of Tuesday October 4th 2022 were agreed as a true record and duly signed.

2022.45 Matters Arising
JC pointed out that the drains by the public house are still not working despite being jettisoned. The Chairman suggested it was probably caused by a collapsed pipe underground as the drain had been a problem for some while.
The Chairman said that due to the cold spell he will look to see if the grit bins are full.

2022.46 Declarations of Interest

2022.47 Updates from Officers
Planning JC had nothing to report

Roads, drains and potholes
SJ said the split in the raised footpath at Nicolson’s Cottages had been repaired and in her absence thanked Cllr Carole Jones for her swift action.

Village Liaison/Garden
JC said she was organising a work party to get the village garden under control with a clear up and hedge cutting.

Speed Indicator Device
The Chairman repeated that there was an issue with the solar panel on the S.I.D. There is no longer any warranty on the S.I.D but he is confident that a panel can be replaced for a modest sum and he will deal with this matter.

Defibrillator SJ attended the Train the Trainer Course but felt it would be more appropriate if a First Aid Trainer could offer the guidance. To this end the Chairman will liaise with RB to possibly join a yard training session with his company. Parish Council will be prepared to pay for this training.

Telephone Box
No report

2022.48 Finance
A cheque for the clerk’s salary was signed.
2022.49 Cllrs held a discussion regarding the application for Precept for 2022/23. Application deadline is January 2023. With possible future funding required for spares for the defibrillator and solar panel for the S.I.D and telephone box repairs it was decided to keep the application at £2000, as 2021/22.
The Clerk will scan and post the documentation to Dorset Council applying for the Precept.

2022.50 Reports

2022.51 Questions from members of the public
There were no members of the public present.

2022.52 Correspondence
No outstanding correspondence

2022.53 Any Other Business
JC had concerns that the fire hydrant by the crossroads appears to be out of commission. The Chairman said this was Dorset Fire Service responsibility and they would have carried out a risk assessment before decommissioning.

2022.11 Date of next meeting Tuesday March 21st 2023

The Chairman closed the meeting at 7.35pm