Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting
held at Hinton St Mary Village Hall
on Tuesday May 14th 2024 at 8.30pm
Chairman Steve Johnson (SJ)
Councillors:– Rob Bartlett (RB) Jo Curtis (JC) Mark Steggles (MS) Celia Wright (CW)
County Councillor:– Carole Jones
Revd Mary Gubbins and Henry Porter, Captain and Chairman of the Cricket Club
Clerk :– Vivian Hitchmough
2024.20 Apologies None
2024.21 Minutes of the meeting of Tuesday February 13th 2024 were agreed and duly signed.
2024.22 Declarations of Interest. None
2024.23 Matters Arising
CW pointed out the need for repairs to the Notice Board and she had purchased a new lock and will clean and oil . The legs on the Board need attention and RB said he will look at it.
CW had investigated the position regarding speed limits within the village and it was generally agreed that 20mph is the ideal in the village centre, however CW had spoken with some villagers who would like to see 30mph. At the present time the speed limit is 60mph in some areas which is not suitable. The criterion involves schools, hospitals, care homes etc where there could be accident hot spots and Hinton does not fall into this category. Cllr Carole Jones suggested an online application for 20mph which requires payment for a survey, The result of which is either an acceptance or refusal.. Councillors thought a survey in the village asking people what they would choose as a speed limit and explaining the situation would be advisable prior to spending money on a Council Survey. To this end Councillors will print a leaflet to be hand delivered to households to ascertain opinions. JC suggested the signage on a Council restriction may be obtrusive as it had been suggested before.
The Chairman introduced Mr Henry Porter who is the new Captain and Chairman of the Cricket Club. Mr Austen Cornell was due to speak but he resigned his post and Henry was kind enough to come to the meeting in his place. Henry explained they had a committee of 9 and 40 players available. He would like to update the changing rooms and to this end Cllr Carole Jones suggested a funding stream available to non charity status and Henry took the details. He said he would like to have charity status which would give the Club access to many funding streams. He intends to have a family fun day on Sunday 14th July starting at 10am with a 6 aside tournament, stalls, activities for the children and generally encompass the Cricket Club with the village. He asked if the Parish Council would like to get involved and Councillors agreed to join in and help on the day. RB asked about the grounds work and Henry said he was carrying out the maintenance at present. RB said Henry could liaise with him and there would be some help. The Chairman thanked Henry for the information and agreed that the Parish Council would like to work more closely with the Cricket Team.
2024.24 Updates from Officers
JC reported that Home Farm application had been reapplied and the Council agreed they would support the changes. SJ will advise Dorset Council
The only other planning application was the felling of a tree.
Roads, drains and potholes
RB will speak with Amanda regarding the raised pavement stones particularly in the area of the public house. The main road drains are silted up and need clearing. Carole will report.
Village Garden
JC said the garden was looking good. New areas had been created and there was a wild flower bed, She thanked RB for the provision of top soil and advised that a water supply was to be installed. She had excellent volunteers but could always use more.
S.I.D. SJ reported that the SID required some maintenance as it was ageing and he will look into this shortly.
CW had purchased pads and battery for the defibrillator and she reported that she inspects and maintains the equipment regularly. She assured Councillors that the equipment was registered on the circuit.
2024.25 Finance
The Clerk presented cheques for signature and Councillors were pleased to donate to the Mosaic Magazine, the Village Hall and hand a cheque to Revd. Mary for the Church Council.
2024.26 Councillors were delighted that Councillor Carole Jones had been re-elected and congratulated her. Cllr Jones said she was on the Planning Council , People and Health and Adult Social Services.
She commended Hinton Councillors for their “can do” attitude.
The Revd Mary also thanked the Parish Councillors for their hard work and CW returned thanks to Mary for all the help she gives to villagers.
2024.26 Date of next meeting Tuesday 13th August 2024