Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting 

held at Hinton St Mary Village Hall

on Tuesday October 4th 2022 at 7pm



Chairman –     Kevin Jones (KJ)

Councillors –    Steve Johnson (SJ) Jo Curtis (JC) Susie Burbidge (SB)

Clerk –                         Vivian Hitchmough (VH)

County Cllr. Carole Jones


2022.33           Apologies

Rob Bartlett (RB)


2022.34           Minutes of the meeting of Tuesday May 10th 2022 were agreed as

a true record and duly signed.


2022.34           Matters Arising

Cllr Carole Jones asked whether the signage in Veals Lane was adequate.

SJ confirmed there was signage at the bottom of the road, but another was needed by Barley Yard.    Cllr Jones will investigate


2022.35           Declarations of Interest



2022.36           Updates from Officers

Planning          JC had nothing to report


Roads, drains and potholes

SJ had previously reported a 6” wide split in the raised footpath at Nicholsons Cottages.    He was not aware of whose responsibility this was as it used to be Sovereign owned.  He has taken photographs including a leaning BT pole.  Cllr Carole Jones asked SJ to forward photographs to her and she will forward them on.

Village Liaison/Garden                      

SB informed Cllrs there was to be an apple crushing in a couple of weeks to raise money for whitening in the garden.   There is a discussion regarding edging  but nothing has been decided as yet as there may be a need to raise funds.

Speed Indicator Device

The Chairman said there was an issue with the solar panel on the S.I.D.  It has an intermittent fault.    It will need to be repaired or replaced and he will check the original purchase paperwork.   There are two working batteries now having had one repaired.

Telephone Box

The Chairman reported that the telephone box is looking shabby, needing a clean and weeds cleared.   A notice in the Mosaic did not encourage anyone to offer to make the telephone box tidier and into a feature for the village by

filling it with maps, walk information, Tythe Barn and Mosaic history which would be interesting for tourists and local people.


SJ said the defibrillator was functioning well and he had arranged a Train the

Trainer session at the Village Hall on Sunday 9th October and anyone was

welcome.   This will enable Trainers to show other people the correct way to

use the equipment and be confident in its use.


2022.37           Finance

A cheque for the clerk’s salary was signed.

The Village Hall had asked for their donation to be sent by BACs payment. It was decided that due to any  monetary transaction from the Parish Council needed two signatures.   Whilst the Clerk is the responsible financial officer she is not able to authorise payments.


2022.38           Reports

Cllr Carole Jones reported that there was a new Highways Officer – Amanda Penfold.

Charger points for electric cars were being erected in the car park in Sturminster.   She was hopeful that the pub car park at Hinton will in the near future have a charging point.   The Chairman said the cabling was there.

Cllr Carole Jones said there was an  adult care provision meeting in the Exchange on October 19th – Rural Living/Access to Services.

JC reported that many people do not have the ability to access apps for car parking and can become very upset when machines do not take cash.  They worry that they will incur a fine.   The machines in Blandford and Sturminster had a cash facility but because they were not emptied people were unable to use them.    Cllr Carole Jones will investigate.


2022.39           Questions from members of the public        

There were no members of the public present.

2022.40           Correspondence

No outstanding correspondence

2022.41           Any Other Business


2022.11           Date of next meeting             Tuesday December 6th 2022

                        SB gave apologies for the December meeting.

The Chairman closed the meeting at 8.10