Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting
held at Hinton St Mary Village Hall
on Tuesday May 10th 2022 at 7.15pm
Chairman – Kevin Jones (KJ)
Councillors – Steve Johnson (SJ) Susie Burbidge (SB) Robbie Bartlett (RB)
Clerk – Vivian Hitchmough (VH)
County Cllr. Carole Jones
2 members of the public
2022.21 Apologies Jo Curtis (JC)
2022.22 Minutes of the meeting of Tuesday February 8th 2022 were agreed as true record and duly signed.
2022.23 Matters Arising None
2022.24 Declarations of Interest
2022.25 Updates from Officers
The Chairman reported on one planning application at 4 White Horse Lane, to erect rear and side extensions and convert garage.
The Parish Council had no objections.
Roads, drains and potholes
RB reported that some road repairs had taken place but were not adequate and he will report this. He said an attempt had been made to clear the drain by the public house but he believes there to be damage under the road.
Cllr Carole Jones said she will request an exploratory investigation
Village Liaison and Garden
SB reported the maze had been sprayed and the garden sign will be repainted to make the wording clearer. There is a plan to actively involve the children into the garden with bee and bird projects.
Speed Indicator Device
KJ has concerns as the device appears to be burning through batteries at the moment. He considers there could be a problem with the solar panel. He asked Cllr Carole Jones to investigate whether there is a contact for the maintenance of the equipment and she will investigate.
SJ was pleased to say the equipment has not been used. He is trying to organise some update training but finding it difficult to arrange . RB suggested a first aider known to his company and he will contact her with a view to setting up a training regime.
Telephone Box
No report
2022.26. Finance
A cheque for the clerk’s salary was signed .The clerk had circulated the end of year reconciliation. She advised that 50% of the precept had been credited to bank in the sum of £1000.
Cheques were prepared for the Village Hall, Mosaic and PCC donations.
2022.27 Reports County Councillor
Cllr Carole Jones reported that St Marys School in Shaftesbury will open on Monday, with initially 50 students.
She is busy co-ordinating 15-20 Ukrainian families welcomed to Sturminster Newton, with school places for the children and support packs.
Cllr Jones would like to see libraries facilitating social activities and help throughout the country.
The Pantry is busy feeding 170/200 families a week, costing £1500 a week.
She said there was a great deal of poverty in Sturminster and many more people are needing help with heating and food costs.
She reported that there was a consultation regarding 20mph restrictions and the criteria required to apply but at the moment nothing has been decided.
2022.28 Questions from members of the public
Janet Bolton asked if a notice could be erected in Veals Lane “Unsuitable for heavy vehicles” as it was quite dangerous and hedges and verges were completely wrecked by these large vehicles. The Chairman said there was perhaps a need to move the Castleman Lane sign to cover both roads. Cllr Carole Jones will ask Adam from Dorset Council Highways to make a site visit.
2022.29 Correspondence
No outstanding correspondence
2022.30 Any Other Business
The Chairman advised that the White Horse public house Landlord has now taken up residency with his family and he is looking forward to opening. The redecoration is really smart. The pub will open originally for drinks and later in June will start to serve food. The hours are to be decided but it is the intention to open 7 days a week.
The Thythe Barn has also re-opened and has held the first wedding. It has had a major refit and looks very smart.
SB advised that there were special discount hire rates for Hinton St Mary residents.
2022.31 Items for next agenda
2022.32 Date of next meeting
Tuesday September 13th 2022 at 7pm
The Chairman closed the meeting at 7.40