Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting
held at Hinton St Mary Village Hall
on Tuesday March 21st 2023 at 7pm
Chairman – Kevin Jones (KJ)
Councillors – Steve Johnson (SJ) Jo Curtis (JC) Cllr Susie Burbidge (SB) Rob Bartlett (RB)
Clerk – Vivian Hitchmough (VH)
County Cllr Carole Jones and one member of the public
2023.1 Apologies
2023.2 Minutes of the meeting of Tuesday December 6th 2022 were agreed as a true record and duly signed.
2023.3 Matters Arising
The Chairman, on behalf of the Council expressed thanks to the village garden team for all their hard work.
The diseased tree opposite the pubic house has been removed and a different variety has been planted in its place.
SB reported that a tree is to be planted through the Queens Green Canopy initiative.
Election of Chairman. As Kevin is leaving the village, regretfully he is standing down as a councillor. His hard work and dedication was appreciated by the Council and good wishes for his house move.
The Vice-Chairman Steve Johnson indicated that he was willing to take over the Chairman position. He will also take over responsibilities for the movement of the S.I.D. Kevin handed the maintenance file to Steve.
Susie Burbidge indicated that she would be willing to help Steve with the defibrillator responsibilities for the time being. With a vacancy to fill however some responsibilities may be passed to a new Councillor.
The Clerk will advise Dorset Council of the changes and a vacancy will be posted on the website. If within 14 days requests for an election by ten electors in the village has not been received the vacancy can be filled by
2023.4 Declarations of Interest
2023.5 Updates from Officers
Planning JC had nothing to report
Roads, drains and potholes
RB said the leaves and mud were causing problems with the drains and he had cleared several areas. He asked Councillor Carole Jones to arrange a meeting with Amanda from Dorset Council to show and discuss areas in the village with problems. Carole will arrange.
Village Liaison/Garden
JC said the laurels had been cut down.
Speed Indicator Device
Kevin had carried out repairs to the Solar panel and it was now in working order.
Defibrillator None
Telephone Box
No report
2023.6 Finance
A cheque for the clerk’s salary was signed.
The Clerk will arrange for a letter to the bank to delete Kevin as a signatory and Cllr Jo Curtis will become the second signatory.
2023.7 County Councillors report
Councillor Carole Jones reported that two E V charging points had been connected in the car park and she asked about the pub car park. Kevin said the power was connected.
Cllr Jones is hopeful for funding for a cost of living, health and wellbeing project to help in many areas locally. She is hoping to fund free yoga on the green and other wellbeing schemes.
She said the Pantry was experiencing an increase in demand with many families in Sturminster unable to afford to pay anything towards their food boxes.
There will be litter picking for the Coronation weekend.
She asked about Wessex Internet in the village and it was agreed it was fast and efficient.
Cllr Jones reported that any new build must include an E V charging point and
Solar panels and other green additions will be looked on favourably by planners.
2023.8 Questions from members of the public
2023.9 Correspondence
No outstanding correspondence
2023.10 Any Other Business
The new Chairman was concerned about the bus shelter as he had received a complaint about the litter. It was agreed that the Parish Council had tried on several occasions to ascertain who should take responsibility for bus shelter. The bin inside the shelter fills with rubbish and this is not emptied.
Councillor Carole Jones said she will try to find out who should take the responsibility for the shelter and emptying the bin.
2023.11 Date of next meeting Tuesday May 23rd 2023
The Chairman closed the meeting at 7.40pm