Minutes of the Annual Meeting of Council
held at Hinton St Mary Village Hall
on Tuesday May 14th 2024 at 8pm

Chairman:– Steve Johnson (SJ)
Councillors:– Rob Bartlett (RB) Jo Curtis (JC) Mark Steggles (MS) Celia Wright (CW)
County Councillor:– Carole Jones
Revd Mary Gubbins and Henry Porter, Captain and Chairman of the Cricket Club
Clerk – Vivian Hitchmough (VH)

2024.12 Apologies:- None

2024.13 Minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday May 16th 2023 were agreed and duly signed.

2024.14 Election of Chairman and Officers

Position / Name / Proposed / Seconded

Chairman / Steve Johnson / CW / RB
Vice Chair / Jo Curtis / SJ / RB

Planning / Jo Curtis / SJ / MS
Roads, Drains etc / Rob Bartlett / CW / SJ
Defibrillator / Celia Wright / RB / JC
S.I.D / Mark Steggles / SJ / CW
S.I.D / Steve Johnson / MS / CW
DAPTC / All Councillors and Clerk / SJ / JC

2024.15 All Declarations of Acceptance of Office were duly signed and witnessed by the Clerk

2024.16 Chairman’s Report
“ I am pleased to report that the Parish Council year has run very smoothly with the continued success of the Speed Indicator Device popular with residents and the reassurance of knowing the defibrillator is regularly inspected and ready if it should be needed. The telephone box is being put to good use and the gardens are beginning to show their summer colours. We are fortunate in the village to have so many volunteers.
I would like to thank my fellow Councillors and the Clerk for their support and hard work throughout the year and a special thank you to County Cllr Carole Jones for attending our meetings and giving excellent advice and information.”

2024.17 Councillors had received hard copy of the Annual return and draft accounts, the Governance statement and the Certificate of exemption AGAR 2023/24 Part 2. The Chairman duly signed all the necessary forms and the Clerk will return to the Auditors in due course.

2024.18 Councillors agreed the risk assessment and asset register for 2024/25

2024.19 The Chairman closed the meeting at 8.30pm