Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting
held at Hinton St Mary Village Hall
on Tuesday May 23rd 2023 at 7pm

Chairman – Steve Johnson (SJ)
Councillors – Jo Curtis (JC) Cllr Susie Burbidge (SB) Rob Bartlett (RB)
Clerk – Vivian Hitchmough (VH)
County Cllr Carole Jones and three members of the public

2023.19 Apologies none

2023.20 Minutes of the meeting of Tuesday March 21st 2023 were agreed as a true record and duly signed.

2023.21 Matters Arising
Susie Burbidge resignation. Due to a house move Susie has given her resignation. The Chairman was sorry to lose her but thanked her sincerely for her valuable input to the Parish Council.

Co-option Councillor. The two vacancies on the Parish Council which had been publicized had two candidates come forward and complete applications. Councillors had seen their applications previously and a decision was made to co-opt both candidates as replacements to Susie and Kevin. As both co-opted Councillors were not present the Clerk was unable to verify their Acceptance of Office and this will now take place at the next Parish Council meeting in August and duties and officer’s roles will be discussed at the meeting.

2023.22 Declarations of Interest

2023.23 Updates from Officers
Planning JC had nothing to report

Roads, drains and potholes
RB had spoken at length to Amanda from Dorset Council regarding several issues which needed attention. He asked Cllr Carol Jones to speak with Signpost regarding pot holes in Nicholsons.

Village Liaison/Garden
JC and volunteers have been working hard in the garden and gradually renovating it. More help is needed and volunteers are requested to come along on Tuesday afternoons to help with the work.

Speed Indicator Device – working well

Defibrillator – all checked regularly. There may be some expense which will be dealt with at the next parish meeting in August.

Telephone Box
No report

A cheque for the clerk’s salary was signed.
Donation cheques were signed for The Village Hall, Mosaic and the Church.
A cheque was signed for the security on the web site.
A cheque was signed for DAPTC subscription

2023.25 County Councillors report
Cllr Carol Jones advised that Dorset Council had a variety of capital funding available for community projects and home upgrades promoting low energy useage.
Cllr Jones reported there will be a new supermarket built at Rolls Mill in Sturminster Newton in the near future.
There will be free Yoga sessions on the recreation ground in Sturminster on Saturday mornings at 10.30.
Cllr Jones had carried out a survey which suggested a play area for small children in Hinton St Mary. RB was concerned regarding the blame culture which is prevalent nowdays and the Parish Council would want to know a lot more about responsibilities, insurance, upkeep etc before any commitment.
The Chairman said although most of the available land is Estate Land an initial approach to the Estate may be the first step to looking into this as a project.

Questions from members of the public – none.
The Chairman welcomed the new Vicar, Mary who had come to the meeting to meet everyone.

No outstanding correspondence

Any Other Business
The Chairman will contact the two successful new Councillors.

Date of next meeting Tuesday August 15th 2023

The Chairman closed the meeting at 8pm