Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting
held virtually by email contact
Tuesday February 2nd 2021
In line with Government guidelines the meeting arranged at Hinton St Mary Village Hall was cancelled and Councillors were contacted by the Chairman for comments and input.
2021.01 Minutes of the meeting of Tuesday November 3rd 2020 were agreed asa true record and will be duly signed at the next meeting to be held at Hinnton St Mary Village Hall.
2021.02 Matters Arising
Movement of Dog Bin
The Chairman asked Councillors for comments regarding the movement of the dog bin. Suggestions to place the bin on the green opposite the public house were considered and the Chairman said that if this was agreed he would need to speak with the Estate in this regard.
2021.03 Reports
Cllr Carol Jones advised that the Community Food Store, The Pantry was busy feeding 600 people a week, but there is difficulty in sourcing food. Donations are very welcome. She said there were a small number of members from Hinton St Mary.
Council tax will rise by 1.9%
Dorset Council have purchased St Mary’s School in Shaftesbury with a view to caring for children who have been placed outside of the area.
Parking charges will be implemented on Sundays.
Dorset Council is operating with online services during this time and streamlng under a plan named Transformation. A full review of Council assets is underway and South Walks House will be mothballed or let out.
2021.04 Date of next meeting
Tuesday May ? to be agreed. This will be the AGM and general meeting