Minutes of the Annual General Meeting
held at Hinton St Mary Village Hall
on Tuesday May 23rd 2023 at 7 pm

Councillors:- Steve Johnson (SJ) Susie Burbidge (SB) Rob Bartlett (RB) Jo Curtis (JC)
County Councillor:- Carole Jones
Clerk – Vivian Hitchmough (VH)

Members of the public – three

2023.12 Apologies None

2023.13 Election of Chairman , Vice Chairman and Councillors
Position / Name / Proposed / Seconded
Chairman / Retired Kevin Jones / /
Chairman / Steve Johnson / RB / JC
Vice-Chairman / Jo Curtis / RB / SJ
Councillor / Rob Bartlett / SJ / JC
Councillor Susie Burbidge / /
Cllr Susie Burbidge had offered her resignation due to a house move / Vacancies on the Council will be dealt with at the Parish Council meeting to follow.

2023.14 Officers roles
Name / Role / Agreed
Robbie Bartlett / Roads, drains, potholes / RB
To be discussed at next PC meeting – Village liaison ,Village Garden
/ DAPTC representative
Jo Curtis / Planning
To be discussed at next PC meeting – Defribrillator monitoring and training
Steve Johnson / SID maintenance and movement / SJ

2023.15 Minutes of the Annual General Meeting of Tuesday May 10th 2022 were agreed as a true record and duly signed

2023.16 Chairman Report
This was the first meeting with the new Chairman who reported that the Hinton Hub was carrying out some very good work within the village.
The reported litter in the bus shelter had been cleared and generally tidied.
The Coronation party was well organised and enjoyed and a real community effort.
The pavement between Higher and Lower Cross has been severely damaged by a large vehicle. Cllr Carol Jones will report the damage.

2023.17 Annual return and draft accounts for the year to 31.3.2023
The draft accounts were prepared and reconciliation and copies were sent to Councillors. The internal audit had been completed. The balance at 31.3.2023 was £ 5513
The Annual Return and Goverance statement were agreed and duly signed and approved for return. The public will have the opportunity to review the accounts and the dates will be posted on the Notice Board and on the website
Proposed SJ / Seconded RB

2023.18 Asset Register and Risk Assessment

RISK ASSESSMENT – Approved with no changes
Financial and Management Systems – Approved with no changes
Council assets – Approved with the addition of the Speed Indicator Device.
Asset Register – Approved with the addition of the SID
Annual Governance statement – Approved with no changes

He closed the meeting at 7.15 pm