Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting
held at Hinton St Mary Village Hall
on Tuesday August 13th 2024 at 7pm
Chairman – Steve Johnson (SJ)
Councillors – Jo Curtis (JC) Robbie Bartlett (RB) Celia Wright (CW) Mark Steggles (MS)
Clerk – Vivian Hitchmough (VH)
County Cllr Carole Jones
There were two members of the public, Mr Collins and the Chairman of the Village Hall Committee, Mr Chris Hardiman.
2024.27 Apologies None
2024.28 Minutes of the meeting of Tuesday May 14th 2024 were agreed as
a true record and duly signed.
2024.29 Declarations of Interest
2024.30 Matters Arising
Survey results and discussion on speed limits in the village
CW reported that there was a 50% response from villagers. 95 were in favour of speed limits throughout the village and 6 were against. Of those in favour 36 voted for 30mph and 59 for 20mph. The Chairman thanked Councillors for distributing and collecting the data,and especially CW who collated the results. Cllr Carole Jones referred to a Dorset Council survey which could be carried out but this would require funding. She suggested a visit by Amanda Penfold at Dorset Council and will arrange this. CW commented that the Parish Council survey was the first step and she noted that many villagers were unaware that parts of the village were derestricted. Referring to the Government web site CW stated that the norm is 30mph through a village where there are more than 20 dwellings with a length of 600 metres. Going forward Cllr Jones suggested signage may be the answer. CW said she would forward the survey results to the Mosaic.
Cricket Club Fun Day July 14th reimbursement CW
It was agreed at the last meeting for the Parish Council to be involved in helping on July 14th. ( minuted reference 2024.24 ) To this end it was decided after the meeting to have a Hot Dog stall. This was a great success and the Chairman thanked CW and her helpers for preparing and cooking on the day. A letter of thanks was received from the Cricket Club and CW was reimbursed for the costs of the food. JC asked the clerk to minute her grievance that all expenditure must be agreed by the Parish Council as she reminded Councillors that this was public money. The Chairman advised that the expense was discussed and agreed by 80% of the council after it was decided how to help by maintaining the Hot Dog stall. The new WhatsApp group has been used by the Parish Council for a couple of months, but JC did not want to join the group so in future the Chairman advised she was to be contacted by email if there were any activity on the WhatsApp group. The Clerk will ensure JC is updated by email unless she decides to join the group.
2024.31 Updates from Officers
JC advised the Home Farm application has been agreed
Three trees in the village permission to reduce height.
Roads, drains and potholes
RB reported the road edging at Stearts Lane has been damaged and needs repair. Cllr Jones will advise Amanda Penfold in this regard.
He reported that footpaths are not well maintained, and a fence has been erected beside the riverbank preventing walkers from access to the riverbank. The Chairman had reported this and RB will speak with the Rangers . Cllr Jones passed RB a contact name to help with the issue.
RB said some parking by the public house was dangerous to passing vehicles and pedestrians, especially by the door to the pub. JC reported the raised pavement by the pub has been damaged again.
Village Liaison/Garden
JC advised there was a general tidy up and they have a water supply for the time being and she thanked the Estate for this provision. RB suggested a chipper for the cuttings and then he could provide a trailer later on in the year.
Speed Indicator Device
The Chairman reported that he had moved the SID that day and he has now found a spare battery.
CW reported that she had changed the dates on the circuit and found it easy to replace the battery and pads so all is working well.
Telephone Box
More quality books were required for the telephone box.
2024.32 Finance
A cheque for the clerk’s salary was signed
A cheque for reimbursement to CW was signed.
2024.33 County Councillors report
Cllr Carole Jones reported that August was a quiet month. The new Cabinet meetings are now being held in Weymouth and everyone is in the process of mapping who are the contacts for the various facilities. Capital Leverage Fund applications are now open should there be a project in mind.
2024.34 Questions from members of the public
Mr Collins was concerned regarding the access to Old School Lane due to dangerous parking outside the public house. He showed a photograph of a vehicle parked without consideration to the entrance to the lane. JC said there used to be a mirror which was useful. People are tending to park without thought or courtesy for others and large vehicles are finding it almost impossible to get through. RB suggested perhaps a wrought iron sign in keeping pointing towards the public house car park to encourage parking in the car park. Cllr Jones suggested extending the car park as the pub had become very popular. CW said the Estate would not allow yellow lines so signage may be the answer. The Chairman said he would write a letter to the Estate in this regard.
No outstanding correspondence
2024.36 Any Other Business
Mr Chris Hardiman, Chairman of the Village Hall Committee announced that he was to resign his position along with the Trustees on 31st September. He
has tried in vain to recruit trustees to the Committee, but feels one more meeting and provisionally September 11th (Wednesday 7pm) may provide interest and the way forward. He reported running costs of £1500 per year and they are financially stable but after twenty years of running, maintaining and cleaning with very little help he feels he cannot continue. CW thanked Mr Hardiman on behalf of the Parish Council for all his hard work over the years. The Chairman asked Mr Hardiman what would happen if a new Committee could not be recruited and he said the keys would need to be returned to the Estate. The Estate would not be able to run the hall as a charity and the cricket club would therefore need to pay high rent for the cricket ground in line with the Government’s sports field rateable tax. Councillors suggested that it would be in the cricket club’s interest to pay more attention to the need to get involved in the running of the village hall as they are the main users and should have the youth and enthusiasm to help in this regard.
Mr Hardiman said three Trustees are required as a minimum but more are obviously more workable. The hall is 100 years old and does require regular maintenance.
2024.37 Date of next meeting Tuesday October 29th 2024
The Chairman closed the meeting at 8.40pm